Peter Norman Ulltin

Elected to the Board of Directors on May 8, 2015

Peter has twenty-five years of experience working with financial services and insurance. Among other things, Peter has worked in various positions within the Skandia Group, as CEO of Direct Financial Services and Insurance, Söderberg & Partners and as CEO of Monyx Financial Group. For a large part of his professional life, Peter worked with strategy, business and business development in financial services and insurance, sales and distribution, product development, structural issues and processes.

Main employment

President and partner of Skandinaviska Kreditfonden AB

Current and past other assignments:

Member of the Board of Skandinaviska Kreditfonden AB and Scandinavian Credit Fund I AB. Previous Board assignments in Factor Insurance Brokers AB, Nordic Brokers Association AB (Hjerta), MeChamp AB, NewChamp AB and Direct Kapitalförvaltning AB.

Peter Norman Ulltin
Emma Westerberg

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