Mats Johansson

Mats has twenty years of experience as CFO in various financial companies and prior to eleven years of experience as an auditor, of which five years as an authorized public accountant. Mats is currently CFO of the Scandinavian Credit Fund and was previously an independent consultant. Between 2004-2017, Mats was CFO of Proventus and Proventus Capital Management and before that CFO of Bankaktiebolaget JP Nordiska and SEB Kort. During his time as an accountant, Mats worked at Ernst & Young as an authorized public accountant and worked there with companies in the financial sector. Mats started his professional career as an accountant at SET-Svensson, Eriksson and Tjus audit firm. Mats has studied at the University of Borlänge and Uppsala University and is a business economist.

Mats Johansson
Emma Westerberg

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